Citations for the in-text Citations, Bibliography for the list of works cited) and convert any text that is not in Plain Font into Plain Font (you may have to do this to all of the reference types, or only a few). Go to the Templates section of the part of your citations that are formatting in a different font (e.g.

To fix this, go to Edit>Output Styles and click on the option to "Edit" the style you are using. If the EndNote Style you are using has a font other than Plain Font set for the templates, this will over-ride the font chosen in the Configure Bibliography option.

Click on Layout, and adjust the font and line spacing to match what is required of your document.įor a Mac, click on "configure bibliography" in the EndNote controls in Word. On a Windows PC, drop down the Bibliography controls using the small arrow in the bottom corner of the box. You can change the font and spacing for EndNote Citations in the EndNote ribbon in Word.